Thursday, September 11, 2014

911 :(

                                                            911 Memorial
The tragedy that happened on 911 was just horrible. Lots of families lost their loved ones on that very sad day, I give my sympathies to them. It was all caused by an awful man Osama. Someone fell out of one of the twin towers… a man. Before some of those poor people lost their lives they called their loved ones. Exactly  2,976 people died in the 911 incident. The second tower struck the south tower at 9:02. There was a lot of smoke everywhere people inside the building people got out the window and hanging on to the rail gasping for air. In the North tower one of the planes struck at the center. People were screaming on the streets….just screaming and watching hoping that the firefighters could help save those people. High up in both towers the raging fires were generating three to five times the heat of a nuclear power plant. The heat was so bad in was nearly 2,00 degrees Fahrenheit. The fortresses on the eightieth floor of the south tower began to give, and it collapsed and the entire building just fell to the streets and people were screaming and running for their lives. There was just a big cloud of dust from the building.

Reflection: that is really sad what happened I can just imagine the pain that the poor people went through in the building, I can also imagine the emotional pain that the families went through because they lost their loved ones in this awful tragedy.  

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