Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Abraham Lincoln

                 Student Success Statement
Abraham Lincoln

"I am bound to win but i am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong"

Reflection: His quote is saying that it is always right to be a good person and you should always be by and be friends with people who are right and who do good but if they turn wrong and start doing wrong you shouldn't be friends with them anymore.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

     Student Success Statement    
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Character is higher than intellect"

Reflection: His quote is saying that it shouldn't matter who you have to please what matters is education and how smart you are so you could make it far in life.

Health Science Librarian

Health Science Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities: helps health professionals access the most current information on medical topics

Salary: $52,293 to a high average of $116,200 per year

Education: A four year bachelors degree is required

Reflection: No i would not like to be one because to be honest they don't get paid well and this job just seems really boring

Personal Post

Personal Post: Summer
I can't wait till summer vacation, i cant wait till summer vacation because i just love everything about summer, Especially NO SCHOOL!
and it will also give me a whole lot of free time to be with my friends, we could go to the beach and do a bunch of fun things over the summer trying to beat the heat. So that's why i can't wait for summer, of course im going to watch tv but not a lot because im going to be busy with my friends.