Savage as fuck 😂
Saturday, September 12, 2015
You're not Jesus nigga 😴
Dear Mr. Haymore,
You're not Jesus foo so stop acting like you're fucking perfect I'm done with you and yo CTR ass like you know you have sinned too so sit yo old ass down and read a book 🐸☕️
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Drunk driving
Eric Smallridge was convicted of man-slaughter because he had crashed into a car that carried the passengers Megan and Lisa. These girls had died instantly, and Eric was sentenced for 22 years in prison. It was a fitting judgement, but was not fully carried out. Renee, Megan's mother, had gone to the judge to ask that he shorted Eric's sentence in half. He did, and Renee had written Eric letters that told him that he was forgiven. He didn't acknowledge it at the time, but eventually wrote an apology letter to Renee for what he had done to Megan. Lisa's parents had eventually forgiven him to, and while he was still under custody, Eric went to local high schools to tell them about the dangers of drinking and receiving forgiveness.
Alan Paton
"When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive."
-Alan Paton
Reflection: His quote is saying that part of healing is forgiving the wrong doer even though thats not always the easiest thing to do
Theodore Roosevelt
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing."
-Theodore Roosevelt
Reflection: His quote is saying that all the decisions that you make should be chosen to do the right thing
Medical Surveillance Technician
Medical Surveillance Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
This field works in the fundamental strategies for optimizing employee health. They detect and eliminate the underlying causes such as hazards or exposures of any discovered trends, pretty much having a prevention focus. This field would also require general clinical focus (e.g., medical and work histories, physical assessments, biological testing) with the information that is obtained from the clinical processes used in the monitoring and analysis elements of medical surveillance.
Salary: $40,000/year
Most of the people who work in this field have a bachelor’s degree and go into training for this specific medical field.
Reflection: i wouldnt like to be one because it seems like to much work
John Wooden
"Make each day your masterpiece. You have to apply yourself each day to become a little better, and over a period of time you become a lot better."
-John Wooden
Reflection: His quote is saying that you should live your life and make every day of your life count
Military Medical Opportunities
Military Medical Opportunities
Duties and Responsibilities:
There are many medical opportunities in the military, like animal care specialist. In the military, these specialists are responsible for the prevention of disease that could be transmitted from animal to man and also the care for government-owned animals. Their duties include a routine of daily care for the animals in veterinary treatment or the research and development facilities. Another one of their duties is to perform physical examinations to detect any obvious abnormalities and to report them to the veterinarian. They may even calculate the doses as well as administer oral and/or topical medications directed by the veterinarian; they also assist the veterinarian in the surgical procedures and perform euthanasia-the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve one of pain or suffering-when asked by the veterinarian.
Salary: about $29,710/year
Well, their skills would have to have included interest in the general science and biology, the satisfaction of helping others, and the ability to work under stressful or emergency conditions and to follow directions precisely. Some of the training involves 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 11 weeks of Advanced Individual Training, and, of course, animal care. Some new skills one may learn are patient care techniques, emergency medical techniques, methods of sterilizing surgical equipment, and plaster-casting techniques.
Reflection: I wouldnt mind being one because i love animals and i would enjoy working with them and helping them heal
Western Oregon vs Central Washington
There was a softball game between Western Oregon and Central Washington. Sara, Western Oregon's player, had never hit a home run, but then it changed when she hit her first in that game. There were two players on base, and with Sara, they would have gained three points. However, as she was running towards second-base, her knee began to hurt. So, instead of running the rest of the way, she crawled back to first. Her teammates wanted to help, but they couldn't, they would lose their point. She wouldn't have been able to enjoy her home run, but then, there were two players of the opposing team that ended up carrying her the rest of the way. Their names were Mallory and Liz. These two players from Central Washington had helped Sara get to home-base. It was amazing how they decided to help someone that they didn't really know, and how they even decided to help her. Though Central Washington lost by two points, it was an unforgettable moment.
Pam Knox
"It's a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time."
-Pam Knox
Reflection: Her quote is saying its always a beautiful thing to see when someone does good out of the kindness of their hearts
Medical Illustrator
Medical Illustrator
Duties and Responsibilities
A medical illustrator is responsible for providing pictures or graphic images for the professionals involved in patient care, teaching, education, and research. There are four different specialists in this area, which are: clinical photographer, graphic design, medical art, and videography. Some of these people may be employed in places like hospitals, medical schools, research establishments, and even as specialist publishers. Photographers and video producers must be able to deliver visual records of a patient’s conditions, operations, and treatments for the medical files.
Salary: $62,000/year
They would, in general, need a bachelor’s degree with a major in art and minor in the biological sciences. They can even have a major in science and minor in art, which is most preferred.
Reflection: No i would not like to be one because i cant draw
The 10 Indian Commandments
The 10 Indian Commandments
- Treat the Earth and all that dwells therein with respect
- Remain close to the Great Spirit
- Show great respect to your fellow beings
- Work together for the benefit of all mankind
- Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
- Do what you know to be right
- Look after the well-being of mind and body
- Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good
- Be truthful and honest at all times
- Take full responsibilities for your actions

Reflection: These are the 10 indian commandments
Alexander Hamilton
"A promise must never be broken"
-Alexander Hamilton
Reflection: His quote is saying basically what its saying dont make a promise that you cant keep
Medical assistant
Medical Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
A medical assistant is responsible for verifying a patient’s information by interviewing them, recording their medical history, as well as confirming the purpose of their visit. They also would prepare the patients for examination by performing physical tests, taking the blood pressure, weight, their temperature, and reporting the patient’s history summary. They do work in offices of physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors, and other health practitioners.
Salary: $29,375 per year
$14.12 per hour
They would have to have taken a post-secondary educational program. However, there are some offices that would only require a high school diploma. They must also have general knowledge in biology, chemistry, and anatomy.
Reflection: i would not like to be one because they get paid very little and i would rather be the doctor rather than the assistnant
"What you see is what you get."
"What you see is what you get."
Reflection: this quote is saying that if you see yourself as something big and keep thinking like that then you will become something big and successful.
Henry David Thoreau
"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."
-Henry David Thoreau
Reflection: his quote is saying that if you always stay good and choose the right that will be the greatest investment you will ever make
Theodore Hesburgh
"My basic principle is that you don't make decisions because they are easy; you don't make them because they are cheap; you don't make them because they're popular; you make them because they are right."
-Theodore Hesburgh
Reflection: His quote is saying to not take the easy way out by making easy decisions and we should always work our hardest because it will all be worth it in the end.
All About Me
Well my name is Daniel Castillo and i like pizza, i want to become a marine biologist, i love going to the beach, i like spending time with my friends, i have a pet snake and two dogs, and my favorite animals are sharks, dogs, and snakes.
Licensed Practical Nurse
Licensed Practical Nurse
Duties and Responsibilities:
Licensed practical nurses are people who take care of the sick, injured, convalescent, or disabled. Some of their responsibilities are giving medication that was prescribed by a physician; taking note of vital signs, such as blood pressure, temperature, and weight; giving injections of medication; immunizations; taking medical histories; and even entering information into the computer.
Salary: $41,540 per year
They would need a diploma in practice nursing and pass a National Council Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN).

Reflection: No i would not like to do this because i cant keep up with the hours i would be really tired and they dont even get paid that much
Joseph Smith
"It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular by which is sound and good, and unpopular by which is unsound(not good)."
-Joseph Smith
Reflection: his quote is saying that we all have responsibilities and we should stick to our responsibilities to become a better stronger person
Home Health Aid
Home Health Aide
Duties and Responsibilities:
A home health aide worker is responsible for monitoring their patient’s condition by observing the physical and mental condition and providing support. Of course, they would stay at the patient’s home to monitor and record their progress. They even assist in personal services, like bathing, dressing, grooming, etc. They are usually working with the elders. Seniors would reach an age where they can no longer care for themselves, and sometimes their families would need the extra help in taking care of them.
Salary: $21,020(median salary)
The requirements vary based on the employer, but most do require one to complete a training program. They should, of course, have some kind of medical background but it isn’t mandatory.

Reflection: No i would not like to be one because it doesnt seem like something i would do
Friday, May 1, 2015
Thomas S. Monson
Student Success Statement
Thomas S. Monson
"Dare to stand alone"
"Dare to stand alone"
Reflection: his quote is saying that if you you are a person who truly does the right thing, then you will stand alone if everyone else starts doing wrong.
*this was done on May 1st*
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Abraham Lincoln
Student Success Statement
Abraham Lincoln
"I am bound to win but i am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong"
Reflection: His quote is saying that it is always right to be a good person and you should always be by and be friends with people who are right and who do good but if they turn wrong and start doing wrong you shouldn't be friends with them anymore.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Student Success Statement
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Character is higher than intellect"
Reflection: His quote is saying that it shouldn't matter who you have to please what matters is education and how smart you are so you could make it far in life.
Health Science Librarian
Health Science Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities: helps health professionals access the most current information on medical topics
Salary: $52,293 to a high average of $116,200 per year
Education: A four year bachelors degree is required
Reflection: No i would not like to be one because to be honest they don't get paid well and this job just seems really boring
Duties and Responsibilities: helps health professionals access the most current information on medical topics
Salary: $52,293 to a high average of $116,200 per year
Education: A four year bachelors degree is required
Reflection: No i would not like to be one because to be honest they don't get paid well and this job just seems really boring
Personal Post
Personal Post: Summer
I can't wait till summer vacation, i cant wait till summer vacation because i just love everything about summer, Especially NO SCHOOL!
and it will also give me a whole lot of free time to be with my friends, we could go to the beach and do a bunch of fun things over the summer trying to beat the heat. So that's why i can't wait for summer, of course im going to watch tv but not a lot because im going to be busy with my friends.
I can't wait till summer vacation, i cant wait till summer vacation because i just love everything about summer, Especially NO SCHOOL!
and it will also give me a whole lot of free time to be with my friends, we could go to the beach and do a bunch of fun things over the summer trying to beat the heat. So that's why i can't wait for summer, of course im going to watch tv but not a lot because im going to be busy with my friends.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Brigham Young
Student Success Statement
Brigham Young
"True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right."
Reflection: This quote is saying that you will only have freedom and independence if you always do right and follow the rules and always listen to the law.
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day
1. Who was St. Patrick?
Saint Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland.
2. What is the purpose of St. Patrick's Day?
The origins of St. Patrick's Day. St. Patrick's Day celebrates the Roman
Catholic feast day of the patron saint of Ireland.
3. Why is St. Patrick's Day designated when it is?
St. Patrick's Day is designated when it is because that's the day when Saint Patrick died.
4. Why a certain color on St. Patrick's Day?
St. Patrick's revelers thought wearing green made one visible to leprechauns, fairy creatures who could pinch anyone they could see.
5. People say that leprechauns have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Video Reflection
Video Reflection
In the video there was a football team and there was a boy who had a disability, he was also on the team, i don't think he played much, but anyways the team let him play on a game just so they could be nice and make his day and just make him feel happy and special. So they let him play and they all huddled around him they took very good care of him and led him to goal post, so they led him to the goal post and he made a touchdown. You couldn't see him but he was in the middle of the team huddle that's how much they wanted to make his day. The kid with the disability said "awesome" he said this because that's how he felt when he scored a touchdown.
In the video there was a football team and there was a boy who had a disability, he was also on the team, i don't think he played much, but anyways the team let him play on a game just so they could be nice and make his day and just make him feel happy and special. So they let him play and they all huddled around him they took very good care of him and led him to goal post, so they led him to the goal post and he made a touchdown. You couldn't see him but he was in the middle of the team huddle that's how much they wanted to make his day. The kid with the disability said "awesome" he said this because that's how he felt when he scored a touchdown.
George Chapman
Student Success Statement
George Chapman
"They're only truly great who are truly good."
Reflection: His quote is saying that people who are truly great are the people who are truly good, and the people are are truly good in their heart, and people who always just do good and "Choose the Right."
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities
Opportunity 1.: Reading
Job Description: Read at a school around your area
Place of Work: The Los Angles area
Opportunity 2.: Help the Elderly
Job Description: Volunteer to help elders for the activities you enjoy
Place of Work: The Los Angles area
Opportunity 3.: Sharing your knowledge with business owners
Job Description: Share your skills and help small businesses grow and create jobs
Place of Work: Virtual, e-mail or phone
Opportunity 4.: Convention Class Teacher
Job Description: Meet new people from around the world and share your knowledge and even gain some new information from others
Place of Work: Exposition Park Branch Library in the Los Angles area
Opportunity 1.: Reading
Job Description: Read at a school around your area
Place of Work: The Los Angles area
Opportunity 2.: Help the Elderly
Job Description: Volunteer to help elders for the activities you enjoy
Place of Work: The Los Angles area
Opportunity 3.: Sharing your knowledge with business owners
Job Description: Share your skills and help small businesses grow and create jobs
Place of Work: Virtual, e-mail or phone
Opportunity 4.: Convention Class Teacher
Job Description: Meet new people from around the world and share your knowledge and even gain some new information from others
Place of Work: Exposition Park Branch Library in the Los Angles area
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
George Mitchell
Student Success Statement
George Mitchell
"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it."
Reflection: This quote is saying that if you cheat it will only help you in that time period, but it will affect you in the long run, and "George Mitchell" is saying that you shouldn't cheat because it is wrong and dishonest.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Dale Murphy Again
Student Success Statement
-Dale Murphy
"I won't cheat"
Reflection: His quote is basically means what it says, He won't cheat, but it also means more, he is trying to teach people everywhere children and adults, that cheating is wrong, it is not right to cheat, and if you cheat and win, your only cheating yourself because that wasn't really winning, that was losing making everyone else think that you have won. So i agree with Dale Murphy it isn't right to cheat and you should always remember that when you cheat YOU ARE ONLY CHEATING YOURSELF!!!
Duties and Responsibilities: Some of the duties for an oncologist is, that they treat cancer patients. They diagnose patients and then oversee treatments including radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery.
Salary: The salary for an oncologist is $217,856
Education: The education requirements you must have to become an oncologist is an M.D. plus residency of fellowship.
Duties and Responsibilities: Some of the duties for an oncologist is, that they treat cancer patients. They diagnose patients and then oversee treatments including radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery.
Salary: The salary for an oncologist is $217,856
Education: The education requirements you must have to become an oncologist is an M.D. plus residency of fellowship.
Reflection: Yes i would like to be one, of course it is like not something i want to be really bad but if i cant get my dream job then i guess becoming an oncologist would be alright, it pays good money and i would have the chance to help so many lives fight off cancer!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Dale Murphy
Student Success Statement
Dale Murphy
"Character Matters Most"
Reflection: His quote is saying that it doesn't matter what possessions you have or how nice your thing are, what matters is your character. So that's what truly matters, if you have good character and treat people right and treat them with respect and kindness then you will be treated right back. So you should always have the right type of character and choose the right, and don't let others change you in what they want you to be.
Duties and Responsibilities: Medical Therapy involving exposure to sunlight.
Salary: $72,000
Education: The education you need to become a heliotherapist is a bachelors degree
Duties and Responsibilities: Medical Therapy involving exposure to sunlight.
Salary: $72,000
Education: The education you need to become a heliotherapist is a bachelors degree
Reflection: No i would not like to be one because this job just seems weird to me.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Wrestler Kid
Mitch Makee a 9th grade freshman boy had a dad that had an incurable type of cancer and they didn't know how much time he had to live. So apparently he thought that if he started a sport and win the championship that he would make his dad and every one else proud and that it would make everything all better. So he joined wrestling and every morning he would wake up at 6 am and go to the gym to train and practice, he would even practice when there wasn't practice. So then he won his first match... then another , then another, until he finally made it to the championships. So it was time for the big match, all his training paid off and he won the championship and he made his dad so proud.
Benjamin Franklin
Student Success Statement
Benjamin Franklin
"Great beauty, Great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."
Reflection: His quote is saying that it doesn't matter how beautiful you are or how strong you are or what stuff you have and how rich you are, because in the long run that is not going to matter. What will matter is how kind you are and having a good soul and having a right heart and basically always "Choosing the Right."
Health Educator
Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities: some of the health educators duties are to supervise staff, create health related material, collect data and evaluate programs.
Salary: The salary for a health educator is $47,490.
Education: Most health educator jobs require a bachelors degree.'
Duties and Responsibilities: some of the health educators duties are to supervise staff, create health related material, collect data and evaluate programs.
Salary: The salary for a health educator is $47,490.
Education: Most health educator jobs require a bachelors degree.'
Reflection: No I would not like to be one because it doesn't pay well.
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