Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final Part 2

A. The i liked about this class was all the fun computer stuff that Mr. Haymore showed us, and that he gave us free time, what i didn't like were the constant time outs from our computer.

B. Less time outs from our computers, more free time, unblock instagram from the school block thing.

C. To be honest i so say that i did do my very best in this class, ill admit i did get in trouble from time to time but i always completed my assignments.

D. Im not reading them daily, i just read them in class.

E. I try but its not always easy, like nobody's perfect we all sin its just human nature,

F. I promise to try to be a better person. 


My Interdisciplinary project was alright. In my opinion doing the research was hard and boring. The people in my group were myself, Pablo, Adaneli, Melissa, Jonathan, and Natalie. My part was the introduction so it wasn't that hard and i really didn't have to do that much research but it was still kind of hard. Well i say our presentation was pretty good but when it came down to the actual presentation, well that's when things started to go down hill. We kind of started stuttering and some people in the group didn't make much eye contact with the audience, and our power point cut off on the middle of the presentation. We did a 50, 50 good job we had our fair share of mistakes but we did pretty good as well :). 

Abraham Lincoln

    Student Success Statement

"When i do good, i feel good. When i do bad, i feel bad."

Example 1.) if you help an old lady cross the street you feel good.

Example 2.) If you steal your gonna feel bad.

Reflection: This quote is saying that whenever you do good your gonna feel good just for doing good, and if you do bad things you wont feel good and you will be unliked.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Fill in the Blanks

   Student Success Statements
"Take responsibility for for your body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being."
-Mr. Haymore

Reflection: This quote is saying that you should take care of yourself and take responsibility for all the things you do, because if your doing good things then your taking care of yourself.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Richard L. Evans

    Student Success Statement
Richard L. Evans

"We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do."

Reflection: He's saying that all the good and right things to do are the things that we should do, and continue to do in our lives, and the things that we shouldn't do are the things that we should have the courage to stop doing.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


     "Sting if the scorpion" Summary
In the video that Mr. Haymore showed us was a little boy who was on a trip in the desert. His parents warned him and told him, that every time he wanted to go out and explore that he would always and repeat always take his shoes. Now they told him this so that way his shoes would protect him from snakes, scorpions, and thorns. So later in that day he wanted to go look around, but he didn't put on his shoes, instead he took his flip-flops, thinking to himself that they were shoes. He also didn't put on his shoes because he thought to himself that he wouldn't wander to far from his camp. So he went along and took a little walk around the desert, and then all of a sudden he felt a sting in his foot, he looked down and all he saw was a big black scorpion, he felt a lot of pain in his foot, he started to scream to his parents for help, his parents came and took him to the hospital, it was a two hour ride but they finally got there. The doctor injected him with some stuff and the pain and it went away the doctor said he was lucky because the sting was fatal, but next time he might not be so lucky. The lesson he learned was to always listen and do the right thing when someone in authority or your parents, tell you to do something.

Mark Twain

           Student Success Statement
"Always do right."
-Mark Twain

Reflection: His quote is saying that you should always do the right thing, just because its the right thing.

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Liar Song

When you tell one lie it leads to              another
                ~Paul Hatch

When you tell one lie, it leads to another
So you tell two lies to cover each other
Then you tell three lies and, Oh Brother,
You're in trouble up to your ears!
So you tell four lies to try to protect you
Then you tell five lies so folks won't suspect
Then you tell six lies and you'll collect
A life filled with worries and fears
'Cause you can't remember how many lies
you've told
And half the things you say aren't true
And sometime you'll slip up, you'll trip up and then
Whatever will become of you?

So you lie and lie without even trying
And each lie you tell will keep
'Till the whole wide world will know
you're lying
Then you'll be
And you should!
When you lie, you're closing the door
On everything good

Paul Hatch

     Student Success Statement
"When you tell one lie, it leads to another"
~Paul Hatch

Always speak the truth.

Reflection: His quote is saying that if you keep telling lies then they will just lead to more and bigger lies, so its always good to just speak the truth.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Student Success Satement

    Student Success Statement

Lou Holtz

The Three Questions:
1.) Can people trust me to do what's right? yes
2.) Am i very committed to doing my very best? sometimes
3.) Do i treat people the way i want to be treated? It depends on the person

"If the answer to these are YES, there is no way you can fail."
-Lou Holtz

Reflection: His quote is saying if you do whats right, commit to try and do your very best, and treat people the way you want to be treated, then there's no way you can fail in life.

Diagnostic Radiologist

      Diagnostic Radiologist

Duties and Responsibilities: Diagnostic Radiologists do many things such as, examine various types of images such as x-rays, computer tomography scans,mammograms, ultrasounds, and magnetic resonance imaging scans.

Salary: The average salary for radiologist diagnostics is $400,000-$560,000 per year

Education: Diagnostic radiologists complete a 4-year bachelor's degree program. Then they must complete four years of medical school followed by several years of residency training in radiology.

Reflection: No i wouldn't want to be one because it's not something that i would enjoy doing.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Joseph B. Wirthlin

       Student Success Statement
 Joseph B. Wirthlin

"Kindness is the essence of greatness."

Reflection: his quote is saying the greatest thing in life is to be kind and i agree with that, because when your kind people will be kind back and you will make more friends, and you will just be a good person for being kind.

Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

 Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving- Thanksgiving is a annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal including turkey.

Thanksgiving Day- Thanksgiving day is when you spend time with your family giving thanks to god and for everything you are grateful for.

Thanksgiving commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November.

Reflection: Things i'm thankful for...
1.) My Family 
2.) My Friends <3
3.) All my stuff
4.) The roof over my head
5.) That im able to live in these United States
6.) The food that i eat
7.) That im healthy and unharmed
8.) My two nieces and nephew
9.) That im fortunate to live in a house
10.) My cousins
11.) My friends (again) and how there always there for me
12.) My dog and that shes in great health

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Marcus Aurelius

              Student Success Statement

                                                                     Marcus Aurelius
                            "If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it."

Reflection: He is saying that if you know that something is wrong you should not associate with it what so ever.

Dental Assistant

         Dental Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities: Some of their duties are, that they Prepare treatment room for patient by following prescribed procedures and protocol and Prepare patient for dental treatment by welcoming, comforting, seating, and draping patient.

Salary: There salary is about $23,550 to $47,580.

Education: It actually doesn't take that long to become a dental assistant,Dental assistants receive their formal education through academic programs at community colleges.

Reflection: I guess i would be one if it actually came down to it and i cant get any other job, this job is alright but its not something i would jump on right away.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dental Lab Technician

                Dental Lab Technician

Duties and Responsibilities: Some of the many duties for this job is to Constructs prostheses by following the dentist's prescription; making models of the mouth and teeth from impressions of the patient's mouth taken by the dentist; building-up wax replicas of part or all of the mouth and/or teeth on the model; encasing the wax in a mould material and melting away the wax; replacing the wax with plastic, metal, or ceramic materials to make the replacement appliance; polishing and finishing the appliance prior to its being placed in the patient's mouth by the dentist.

Salary: The salary for this job is $22,275-$52,438

Education: You would need to complete one of the two-year or  four-year degrees in dental technology offered through educational programs.  

Reflection: No i would not like to be one because it seems boring to me and the pay isn't that good

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

James Freeman Clarke

   Student Success Statement

          James Freeman Clarke

"It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today."

Reflection: He's saying that if we do good or bad in the present it could affect us later on in the future.

Veterans Day

                          Veterans Day

Some of the history on veterans day was World War 1- known at the time as "The Great War" - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into the effect in the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of "the war to end all wars."

W. Clemet Stone

                                              W. Clemet Stone

1.) Have the courage to say no
2.) Have the courage to face the truth
3.) Do the right thing because its right

"His quote is saying if you are forced to do something you don't want to, then you have the right to say NO!"

Chick Moorman

Chick Moorman

"Doing what is right, fair, and honorable is more important than winning or losing"

Reflection: he's saying that you should do whats right instead of trying to win all the time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Definition: He quality of being honest and having strong moral principals, in other words moral uprightness.

Synonyms: Soundness, Strength, Sturdiness, Solidity, 

Durability, Stability, Stoutness, Toughness.

Examples of integrity are ....
  • Keep your promises even if it takes extra effort.
  • Go back to a store and pay for something you forgot to pay for.
  • Never betray a friend’s trust even if you get in trouble.
  • Inform the cashier he gave you too much change back.
  • Do not gossip or talking badly about someone.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Be wise

   Student Success Statement

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."

        Proverbs 13:20

Reflection: This quote is saying that if you want to live a healthy, safe, drug free life then you should be around people who do as such, and not hand around fools.

Dance/Movement Therapist

               Dance/Movement Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities:Dance movement psychotherapists use movement and dance to enable personal, emotional, cognitive, spiritual, physical and social integration and development.

Salary: The salary is  $40,000 - $50,000 a year

Education: Graduates from Approved Graduate Programs 

meet all educational requirements for the registered 

dance/movement therapy credential. Approved graduate 

programs, approves programs that meet the requirements

states in the approved graduate programs standards

for graduate dance/movement therapy programs.

Reflection: this job may pay well but, to me, it seems kind of 

odd so i most likely wont become one of these.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Craniosacral Therapy

                   Craniosacral Therapy

Duties and Responsibilities: Craniosacral therapy is a holistic healing practice that uses very light touching to balance the craniosacral system in the body, which includes the bones, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues of the cranium and spinal area.

Salary: The average income range is $45,000-$75,000

Education: Most states will require you to have a “license to touch” in order to practice craniosacral therapy. This can include massage therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy or other medical background.

Reflection: I might want to be this because it pays well, but this normally wouldn't be my choice.


                Student Success Statement
"Be cool in school-live every rule."

Reflection: this quote is saying be cool in school by following all the rules, get good grades, follow instructions, etc.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

William Penn again

           William Penn

"The best recreation is to do good."

Reflection: He is saying that the best thing you can do in this world to be a good person, is to do good.

Friday, October 24, 2014

William Penn

                            William Penn
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."

Reflection: he is saying that the right way is always the way you should go even if no one else goes with you.

Yoga Therapist

                         Yoga Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities: The number one job of a 

yoga therapist is to keep their clients healthy, flexible and 

safe. They must ensure that all the poses are executed 

correctly and without injury, which requires close attention to 

the abilities of their clients and concise instruction.

Salary: The salary is $36,900

Education: A 200-hour basic certification program allows a

 graduate to teach yoga in many group settings as a 


Reflection: No i wouldn't like to be one because to be honest it seems boring.

Peter Vidmar

                              Peter Vidmar

"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."

Reflection: He is saying if you pick something and focus on it, and put everything you got into it you will achieve it.

Clinical Manager

                        Clinical Manager

Duties and Responsibilities: 
Clinical managers, a type of medical and health services manager, work as managers in both administrative and medical capacities to ensure that the establishment for which they work runs smoothly. 

Salary:  The salary is $73,000

Education:You'll need to have a minimum of a bachelor's 

degree in a field like medical services administration 

or health care administration.

Reflection: no i would not like to be a clinical manager.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Color Therapy

                        Color Therapy

Duties and Responsibilities: Chromotherapy is an alternative medicine method, which is considered pseudoscience.

Salary: The salary is  between $30 and $60 an hour.

Education: You can prepare to work in colour therapy by taking a certificate or diploma, like those awarded by the Vocational Training Charitable Trust or The Association of Natural Medicine.

Reflection: No i would not like to be one because it doesent really seem like something i would like to work as and i feel that i should have a job that i would actually enjoy.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Proverbs 22:1

A good name is rather to be choosen than great riches.

Reflection: it is saying that being  a good person and living a great, wonderful, happy life is better than having all the stuff and valuables that you could want.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Coach K (Student Success Statement)

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life."

Reflection: he's saying that if you have a good reputation then you will be successful.



Duties and Responsibilities: Chiropractors are practitioners or physicians who diagnose and treat patients facing health problems of the musculoskeletal system that affect nervous system and general health. They deal specifically with the spine and manipulation of the spine.

Salary: The salary is $66,160 per hour

Education: Prospective chiropractors are required to have a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, a postgraduate professional degree that typically takes 4 years to complete.

Reflection: No i would not like to be one, just because i don't want to.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Noemi Trigueros

"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself."

-Noemi Trigueros

Reflection: This whole CTR thing really is just a made up quote that really doesen't mean anything. Nobody's perfect we all make mistakes and we all do bad things and we cant change that. There will always be bad people in this world and even good people do bad things, and my making up some stupid made up saying "Choose The Right." Isn't going to change anything and no matter how many times you tell people choose the right or be a CTR person, its not gonna do anything!



Duties and Responsibilities: In zoology they do the scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.

Salary: The average salary for a zoologist is $30,000 to $45,000 per year

Education: Degrees in zoology are available at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree levels. 

Reflection: Yes i would like to become a zoologist because i love animals and it would be fun to work with them and help them, of couse this would be my second choice, my first choice will always be marine biology.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Michael Phelps

                            Michael Phelps
"You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. No matter what you set your imagination to, anything can happen.

Reflection: I sort of agree with him because you can do a lot if you really set your mind to it, and work hard. It really depends on the person and really how determined they are.

Chinese (Oriental) Medicene

            Chinese (Oriental) Medicene
Duties and responsibilities: Traditional Chinese medicine originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use herbal medicines and various mind and body practices, such as acupuncture and tai chi, to treat or prevent health problems. 

Salary: The salary is $52,000

Education: Minimum requirements include satisfactory completion of at least two academic years of education at the baccalaureate level that is appropriate preparation for graduate level work, or the equivalent from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. 

Reflection: No i wouldnt like to be one for to reasons, 1 because im not chinese and 2 i just don't want to.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mark Hansen Quote

Mark Hansen is saying that the more goals you achieve the more goals you’ll set, and the more goals you set the more goals you’ll achieve and that depends on how hard you work to achieve that goal. If you just set the goals and don’t even try to achieve it then what’s the point of even setting that goal. If you set goals and then try really hard to achieve them then you will succeed and you will make more goals and then you will achieve those to. So that’s what he’s saying in his quote, “Goal setting, is goal getting.”

Mark Victor Hansen

                         Mark Victor Hansen
                     "Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get."

Reflection: His quote is saying that in life you should set goals, and then go out to achieve them.

Cellualr Therapy

                        Cellular Therapy
Duties and
Responsibilities: Cell therapy is the transplantation of human or animal cells to replace or repair damaged tissue.

Salary: the salary really depends on where you work at there are different cellular therapy places that pay diffrent amounts of money.

Education:  you would need a high school diploma or GED.

Reflection: No i wouldnt like to be a cellular therapist because it doesnt really suit me.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


"You have brains in your head,
you have feet in your shoes;
you can steer yourself in
any direction you choose.
You're on your own,
and you know what you know.
You are the guy who"ll decide where to go.

Reflection: he is saying that you chooose how you want your life to be.

Student Success Statement

                           James E. Faust
"when obediance becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."

Reflection: these obediance quotes are getting annnoying, obediance is this, obediance is that. It's ANNOYING, like obediance is nothing, you could be the most obediant person in the world and have nothing.